asel - Among other things the Basel transit agency BVB run a spit-and-polish fleet of older articulated n Austria, Gmunden, Graz, Innsbruck, Linz and Vienna all have tramway systems. With 173.4 km of track, Vienna's network is one of the largest in the world. The cars have been constantly modernised over the years and many are now ultra low-floored.[6] Many of the Austrian tramlines have been in constant operation since they were first opened. Vienna started with horse trams in 1865 with electrification in 1897. Graz had horse trams in 1878 and electric cars in 1898 while Linz goes back to 1880 with electrification in 1897er of Düwag products from Germany. These are well sought-after by fans and enjoy almost a religious follBasel - Among other things the Basel transit agency BVB run a spit-and-polish fleet of older articulated cars, including a good number of Düwag products from Germany. These are well sought-after by fans and enjoy almost a religious following among tram enthusiasts.
Here in a virtually timeless view two 36 year old Düwag 6-axle cars form a service on line number 2. They are just crossing onto the Wettsteinbrücke running towards the SBB railway stationowing among tram enthusiasts.
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